Mission Statement
The mission of the committee is to work with the Geauga County 4-H Educator and other Geauga County Extension staff to help determine 4-H program direction and needs in concert with the Ohio
4-H and national 4-H policies by:
- Helping to analyze the needs and interest of all county youth who meet the 4-H age requirements.
- Membership eligibility begins when a child is age 8 as of Jan. 1 and in the third grade.
- Membership eligibility ends Dec. 31 of the calendar year (Jan. 1 – Dec. 31) in which a member attains the age of 19 years.
- Membership eligibility for Cloverbuds begins when a child is age 5 as of Jan. 1 and in kindergarten.
- To assist the county Extension staff in planning, evaluating, and recommending 4-H educational experiences, methods, and programs that meet the needs and interests of these youth.
- Assist in recruiting volunteers and developing their leadership skills.
- Seek financial resources, as needed, to conduct, promote, and expand the 4-H program.
2021 Officers
President – Cyndi Carr
VP – Matt Petersen
Secretary – Lisa Briggs
Treasurer – Michelle May
Bobby Fowler
Rich Ivans
Nancy O'Reilly
Susan Pohto
Julia Wood
The Geauga County 4-H Advisory Committee holds open recruitment every fall. Any interested 4-H volunteer may submit an application for consideration by October 31st to the Geauga County Extension Office. Applications can be found at:
Interested in becoming a Geauga County 4-H Volunteer?
Visit for more information and a volunteer application.
The Geauga County 4-H Program is under the direction of the Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio
4-H Program.
Ohio State University Extension – Geauga County
14269 Claridon Troy Rd
P.O. Box 387
Burton, OH 44021
Phone: (440) 834-4656
Fax: (440) 834-0057