Advisory Committee

Mission Statement
The mission of the committee is to work with the Geauga County 4-H Educator and other Geauga County Extension staff to help determine 4-H program direction and needs in concert with the Ohio 4-H and national 4-H policies by:

  1. Helping to analyze the needs and interest of all county youth who meet the 4-H age requirements.
    1. Membership eligibility begins when a child is age 8 as of Jan. 1 and in the third grade.
    2. Membership eligibility ends Dec. 31 of the calendar year (Jan. 1 – Dec. 31) in which a member attains the age of 19 years.
    3. Membership eligibility for Cloverbuds begins when a child is age 5 as of Jan. 1 and in kindergarten.
  2. To assist the county Extension staff in planning, evaluating, and recommending 4-H educational experiences, methods, and programs that meet the needs and interests of these youth.
  3.  Assist in recruiting volunteers and developing their leadership skills.
  4. Seek financial resources, as needed, to conduct, promote, and expand the 4-H program.


2021 Officers
President – Cyndi Carr
VP – Matt Petersen
Secretary – Lisa Briggs
Treasurer – Michelle May

Bobby Fowler
Rich Ivans
Nancy O'Reilly
Susan Pohto
Julia Wood

The Geauga County 4-H Advisory Committee holds open recruitment every fall. Any interested 4-H volunteer may submit an application for consideration by October 31st to the Geauga County Extension Office. Applications can be found at:


Interested in becoming a Geauga County 4-H Volunteer?
Visit for more information and a volunteer application.


The Geauga County 4-H Program is under the direction of the Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio 4-H Program.

Ohio State University Extension – Geauga County
14269 Claridon Troy Rd
P.O. Box 387
Burton, OH 44021
Phone: (440) 834-4656
Fax: (440) 834-0057







last page update: 2/2/21


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